Knee Pain when Running (Run Tips for RMSC)

Have you ever googled the phrase “Knee pain when running”? Do it. I’ll wait…

The advice that pops up is nothing short of infuriating. The type of advice you will see is:

  • limiting your mileage or progress your running more slowly
  • stop training/running and just rest
  • apply ice
  • take pain medication


“But I don’t want to stop running because of knee pain!”

I’m assuming if you are reading this, that you’re a runner and that you get joy from running ( in some sadistic empowering sense, right?!). And I can therefore assume that NOT running because of knee pain is not something you want to do and not something that would enhance your quality of life.

The advice above fails to ask one simple question. WHY are you experiencing knee pain when running?!

And no, running too much or your age or another factors just don’t cut it in my world. We are strong and resilient human beings and are bodies are made to move and be active. When we have pain, it is not because of an activity. It is because our bodies can’t withstand those activities the way it should.

So WHY can’t your knee withstand running?!



The REAL reason you get Knee Pain when Running

The truth is that you are likely experiencing knee pain because your knee is being forced to do the job of another body part. These factors could include ( but it not limited to)

  1. Feet that are stiff and unable to shock absorb when you are running.
    • Therefore the force is transferred up to your knees (or your shins) which are not designed for this job.
  2. Hips that can’t support you when running.
    • When you are running, you are most often in a single leg stance. (wrap your head around that!). You are constantly supporting yourself on one leg while the other swings forward. This requires a great amount of hip support to keep you upright.
    • With our modern lives including too much sitting and not enough movement variation…. often our hips just aren’t as supportive as we need them to be
    • To combat this, the muscles down your leg (Quads, IT bands, etc) get tight to try to provide a little bit of the stability it’s lacking. However this can lead to those muscles pulling on your knee, causing friction when running,  and therefore irritation and pain.


And many more reasons and factors that are unique to you and your body.


What you should do instead of not Running because of Knee Pain.

So, you see- the problem isn’t really the knee ( or the running for that matter!). Applying ice, or topical pain creams to your knee isn’t addressing the root cause of WHY the knee pain is there.  And resting might make your knee feel better and help the inflammation and irritation die down…. but what happens when you try running again? Those root causes are still there. Nothing has changes. And the pain will return.


Instead of relying on these band-aid approaches that google suggests, click  below to download the Ebook that I wrote for you about Knee Pain.  I’m also going to throw in a few exercises that you can try to start to explore and resolve the real root cause of your pain.


CLICK HERE for the Knee Pain Ebook and Exercises


And remember, we are always here to offer some guidance and advice. If you want to make sure you are doing the right things for your knee pain, just click below to request to speak with a therapist who specializes in knee pain and keeping people like you stay as active as they want to be.


CLICK HERE to request to Speak with a Therapist


As always- Rooting for you!

Lindsay Langlais

Owner/ Director of Competitive Edge Sport Therapy