
Gettin’ on my Nerves!

   Wednesday, May 22, 2019

   Competitive Edge

The nervous system is an interesting interconnected system. Even though our injuries may not present with the normal burning and tingling sensations that generally stem from a nerve injury there can still be a restriction. This creates neural tension in the system, and can sometimes make us feel “weaker”.

What Do Your Nerves Do?

Your nerves have three properties that they need to achieve, including slacking, tensing and gliding. When one of these three properties gets affected we start to see compensations start to arise. If your nerve is constantly being pulled on (getting tensed) it can’t slack, and on the same note, it’s probably not gliding very well either. Nerves can get stuck in what we call, an “interface”. Now you’re probably thinking what the heck is an interface? This means that there is a restriction whether it be a joint, muscle, or ligament, somewhere along the nerves pathway that is blocking the full gliding properties of the nerve through its full range of motion. For example, if you’re having some unexplained foot pain and there has been no direct injury to the foot it may be because there is a neural restriction that has been caused further up the kinetic chain. This is why your therapist will ask you how is your low back or hip because, if we look at the full length of the lower extremity that is the likely spot where that problem could have started from, so we are doing our due diligence to find the root cause!

What Technique Works Best?

A technique I like to use to help with relieving neural tension is Neuromeningeal Manipulation. What exactly is that? It’s a technique used to work directly on the nervous system, specifically with the meninges of the brain, a structure within the brain tissue. The nervous system is a complex system which starts at the top level so, often we find that issues of the lower body are highly connected with the head. This specific technique works with Whiplash related injuries and areas that have a neural restriction as it relates to chronic and acute injuries. One of the main structures I focus on while using this technique is the Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor, a small muscle located at the base of the skull that connects directly to the dura that runs the length of the spine. It can be nicknamed the RCMP because it generally will tell you where the trauma occurred and helps direct the method of treatment. It will detect the “bad guy”, the cause of the injury, whether it be focused at the head or at the lower extremity. This technique is effective for a variety of injuries including concussion, whiplash injuries, nerve related injuries, headaches/migraines, and chronic injuries (shoulder, low back, hip, etc.); to name a few. If this sounds like you then, don’t let those nerves be a pain!

If you’ve got some nerve (pain) or maybe just an unresolved injury get the help you need! After all, we want to help you feel your best and help you glide through life with ease!


By Michelle Gaudet

Certified Athletic Therapist CAT(C)

Competitive Edge Sport Therapy

[email protected]


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