
Fascia: The Underrated Structure and How to Treat it

   Monday, June 10, 2019

   Competitive Edge

What is fascia?! I’m sure you’ve heard that term before from a Health Care Professional or maybe from a self-guided search with the help of Dr Google.  

What is Fascia? ​

Fascia is often compared to a huge spider web that runs from our head to our toes. In its healthy state, fascia consists of tiny aqueous fibers that glide along multiple surfaces (muscles, fatty tissues, etc.) throughout our bodies. When we experience any changes in our bodies (injuries, tension, compensations when walking, etc.) the fascia is directly impacted in a negative manner. In this case, the fascia becomes matted down to surrounding structures and loses its ability to glide properly thus creating “tension”.

How To Treat Fascia When It’s In Trouble

When stretching or strengthening doesn’t seem to improve those “tight” muscles or that restriction that you feel, maybe it’s time to look into having some fascial treatment. Using a variety of techniques, treating fascial restrictions throughout the body is beneficial for low back pain, neck pain, relieving concussion symptoms, memory, anxiety, vision issues, balance, and more. The techniques focus on the dura, cranial bones, ears, eyes, diaphragm, and hips. It’s probably not your average therapy treatment that you would see in clinic, but that’s because the fascia is a special kind of structure that requires specific treatment techniques that have a high success rate for any type of injury.
​If you want to learn more about the fascia and how these specific treatment techniques could positively impact your health and well being, contact our clinic and see if this is something you could benefit from!
Written by Marilyne Doucet, Certified Athletic Therapist

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